Hey all! So here we are right smack in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown. I don't think any of us ever envisioned something like this ever happening in our lifetimes but it is what it is so now we need to adapt! We're spending a lot more time indoors which is something most of us haven't done in our entire lives. I'm usually a person who spends time with friends and family on the weekends so that has been what I miss most. But I would like to find out how you're dealing with all of this. What are you all doing with your extra free time at home? Most of us are also working from home too so that's just added time trapped in your living space. I'm not the biggest TV guy so I'm always on the hunt for new books to keep my mind active. 


Below is a list of my favorite books that have kept my mind active for the last 6 months. I've also enlisted some friends for their suggestions to really round out this list. My books here are business focused so if you have that entrepreneurial spirit and like brand building, I hope I'm able to give you some new content to absorb while reading on your couch or in your bed. And if you find that this list is right up your alley, I'm sure you have some other good suggestions on your end as well. Please hit the comments below and let us know what we should check out. 


Brand Building Books

1. Shoe Dog - A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight

         I've long been a fan of the Nike brand as I type this I am rockin' a Nike hoodie that I've kept crispy for years. As a kid I followed the Nike brand as it grew with the help of Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, Andre Agassi, Paul Rodriguez, Tiger Woods, and so many more amazing athletes. This book walks through how Nike started and it is such a great story because the brand wasn't successful overnight. Phil Knight and crew put in work to get here... They succeeded... They failed... They won... They lost... But in all the Nike brand has persevered. Read this book if you like brand building or if you're a sneakerhead


    2. Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman by Yvon Chouinard

         I've always loved clothes but mostly from a fashion aspect. When I was younger I didn't care as much if they were good for the environment since I just wanted to look cool. As I've gotten older, the Patagonia brand of clothing has become one of my favorites. Yes, their clothes are expensive but the quality is amazing. This book goes into the entire history of the Patagonia brand but also gives you the full background of its founder, Yvon Chouinard. Super interesting entrepreneur and an inspiration to anybody looking to build a brand or anybody already in the trenches with their brand. This book makes you want to go out and do some good in this world!


    3. Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh

          If you are building a brand you better be 100% invested in customer service. "The customer is always right" is a great motto to live by because you are going to need loyal customers in order to build your brand. Tony Hsieh is the founder of Zappos and if you've ever purchased some shoes from them, you know that from purchase to receipt it's a great experience. Amazon later purchased Zappos which was a great fit as Amazon has always put the customer first as well. In this book you'll find out all about Tony Hsieh's career path to get to where he is now. Truly inspiring story and it'll make you as passionate as ever about your customers. A recommended read for all!


    4. The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau

        So... You have a business idea but don't know the next steps. Many of us fall in this same bucket so it's your next moves that are most crucial. Are you going to have the idea but not execute or are you going to go for it? This book by Chris Guillebeau is going to give you real life examples of people that had an idea and went after it. Many with a shoestring budget! Don't become the person who turns old and grey and looks back with regret. You're going to have to hustle to build a brand and/or your business. You are going to be outside of your comfort zone all of the time. You are going to have sleepness nights. But the gold at the end of the rainbow will be worth it. This is a great book to make you believe in yourself and go after your goals! 


    5. This Is Not a T-Shirt - A Brand, a Culture, a Community - a Life in Streetwear by Bobby Hundreds

         Are you just building a brand or are you building a community that has a brand to support it? The Bobby Hundreds story is fascinating. California kid who grew up in the 90's where skate and hip hop cultures were huge. You saw your favorite rappers and skaters wearing gear that you had to have. Whether it was a fresh snapback or some clean kicks, you were influenced by the street culture. Bobby set out to make The Hundreds brand off of the things he was into. He wrote a blog about what he was passionate about and the fans flocked to his site. They went to his blog to find out what was cool. Then they starting buying the clothes that The Hundreds began to drop. Bobby helped start a movement around streetwear culture. If you're a fan of streetwear or looking to build a brand, this book is going to make you want to get the wheels turning immediately. 


    6. The Creative Curve: How to Develop the Right Idea, at the Right Time by Allen Gannett

         What is creativity? What makes a creative genius? You'll find the answers to both in this great book by Allen Gannett. This is one of those books that you'll want to keep a notebook and a pen or pencil close by when reading because you will be filled with ideas. This is an inspiring book for all creatives out there who are willing to put in the work to build on the bright ideas they have.


    7. Dapper Dan: Made in Harlem: A Memoir by Daniel R. Day

         This is an amazing story of one of the fashion designer Dapper Dan. Daniel Day is most associated with bringing high fashion into the emerging 80's hip hop culture in NYC. Dapper Dan brought that swagger to back up the fashion and he remains one of the most respected fashion icons in hip hop. If you are a fan of rap music, you have likely heard the name Dapper Dan mentioned in some of your favorite songs. Here is a great article talking through the top 20 Dapper Dan references in hip hop songs.


    These are some books that have inspired us recently. We hope that we brought attention to a book or two that you could read to help inspire you to create or just pass time through this uncertainty. Keep your minds active during this lockdown! Drop a comment with any book recommendations!

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